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Showing posts with the label email marketing facts 2017

The Future Of Email Marketing

Well, I never thought I'd be someone to write an article like this, but I honestly think email marketing might be getting closer and closer to extinct. Is Email Marketing Really Dying? Well, I used to say absolutely not... And thought those clickbait headlines were just cleverly constructed by sneaky marketers and designed to get you to click or their ads and articles... But then I discovered  chatbots . If you've never heard of chatbots before they've actually been around now for a couple of years, at the time of me writing this... And I kind of ignored them at first as just a passing fad... But then I saw the results. And, compared to email open and clickthrough rates, chatbots blow the average email results out of the water. Chatbot results are kind of like how email marketing was about 15-20 years ago. See, unfortunately, these days there's so much more noise and things we're distracted by, that even though we still use email... Unless it