I'm sure you've probably heard the phrase before "the money is in the list"... So, let's examine why this is true and also how it's damn near impossible to not make a profit with an email list. With an email list ideally you've collected an audience of like-minded people that are interested in a specific topic or niche. And the benefit of having a list, as opposed to constantly having to pay for new leads and customers using paid traffic sources, is that you've got traffic on demand. You now have a traffic source that you control. And you're not paying to advertise to that list each time you hit "SEND". Sure, you're paying a monthly autoresponder fee, but you've got the opportunity to make so much more money than what you're spending for your autoresponder each month, it's ridiculous. All you have to do now is put relevant offers in front of that audience. Let's take a look at some basic math... ...