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Do Cognitive Enhancers Really Work?

It seemed like after the movie Limitless came out a whole new industry exploded!
The idea of cognitive enhancers and pills that helped you tap into more of your potential and use more of your mind than normal.
Now, I don't really buy into the idea that there is some magical "Limitless pill" out there that can all of a sudden give you super powers...
But I do believe there are certain ingredients we can put into our bodies that can help give us clarity and think more clearly.
You know, like those days where you wake up and the whole world just seems to make sense.
Problem solving comes easy.
You get all green lights at intersections.
And multiple awesome things happen to you all at once.
Those kinds of days do happen for me organically...
But, generally, they only happen a couple of days out of each year.
But, wouldn't it be cool if you could increase the frequency of those kinds of experiences?
Imagine how much more productive you could be and how much more you could get done?
Now, in spite of the success of the movie Limitless, there's a lot of miracle solutions and marketers out there trying to piggyback off of it's success.
Those kinds of products are usually pretty easy to spot, and those are the ones you definitely want to avoid.
Because, behind those brands, there's usually just a really smart marketer..
And what you get inside those pills are most likely just some generic formula that's been white-labeledso that marketer can quickly make a small fortune off the trend until it burns out and loses momentum.
What you want to look for is a brand and product that really cares about the science behind what they're doing.
And is positioned to be a long-term brand.
Not one of the fly-by-night shady brands that is probably going to get shut down by some government organization in the near future.
So, one product that I've used myself and that I do recommend you check out, if you're interested in experimenting with nootropics, is one called Qualia.
Now, I want you to know that although I'm suggesting this product, I am someone who is highly skeptical of these kinds of products, because I guess I must have a high tolerance for most things, so most pills or drugs don't do much for me and I see very little effect whatsoever.
However, in my experience with taking Qualia almost immediately I noticed a significant difference.
And, I'm talking about the same high or rush that you get from drinking a Redbull or Monster Energy drink...
What I experienced with Qualia, was just a pure, clean energy, that allowed me to think clearly and focus for long periods of time, with no crash at the end.
So, if you're a serial entrepreneur or someone who is just really passionate about your work, but find it kind of difficult to focus and not get easily distracted, I recommend checking out Qualia.
It may work for you.
It may not.
If it does, you'll know pretty soon.
But, I think you'll be quite impressed with the results.


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