One of the easiest and lowest cost methods to get started making money online is to teach simple courses on online course marketplaces like Udemy.
You don't need to have any special qualifications to publish courses on their platform and the only tools you really need are...
- A computer
- A quality microphone
- Some screen recording software
For the computer I suggest a laptop, since they're more mobile.
I use a MacBook Pro.
You don't have to go with a Mac, but I highly recommend them.
This is going to be by far your most expensive investment.
The next thing you will need is a quality external microphone.
Most internal microphones aren't that high quality and Udemy is very strict on wanting their audio to be high quality.
So, I use and recommend an inexpensive USB mic like the Blue Yeti.
The other tool you will need to buy is a screen recording software.
If you're using a Mac then I recommend ScreenFlow.
And if you're using a PC I recommend Camtasia.
Aside from the tools above you'll obviously need to be an expert at something so if you're not sure what you're an expert at go learn something new.
There's sites like Lynda.com where you can learn hundreds of software programs and skills.
Once you learn those skills, simply regurgitate that information as your own course in your own unique way.
The more courses you publish, the more money you will make.
Personally I've been earning thousands of dollars per year from platforms like Udemy for that past 6+ years, so it's a very sustainable passive income stream.
If you're searching for a step-by-step training that will teach you all the ins and outs for how to get started and be successful on platforms like Udemy I recommend investing in my course IMSource Academy.
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