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How To Succeed On The Clickbank Marketplace

Selling your product on Clickbank is not the same thing as having your product or service featured on the Clickbank marketplace.
The Clickbank marketplace is free for all vendors, however if you're not getting at least some activity and sales for what you're selling Clickbank will eventually remove you from it.
You can still be extremely successful if your product is not listed on the marketplace, however ranking highly in your category can certainly help you attract more affiliates and make more money.
So, How Do You Improve Your Rank Within The Clickbank Marketplace?
It's pretty simple...
Make sales from lots of different affiliates.
One of the main metrics that you will find inside the Clickbank marketplace is Gravity.
And the way I understand Gravity, it's a metric that combines sales volume with the number of affiliates that are having success promoting that same product.
So, you might be doing thousands of dollars in sales per day, but if you're the only person promoting that product it might still have a low Gravity score.
However, if 1000 different affiliates each sold 3 of your products and you also had very low refund rates, then the Gravity score would be very high, which would boost your rankings within the marketplace.
So, the way to game the Clickbank marketplace right out of the gate is to already have some heat that you can put behind your offer once it launches...
Whether it be from your own traffic or email list or from a handful of super affiliates you've partnered up with.
If a couple of people can make quite a few sales each right from the start, your Gravity is going to shoot up.
When this happens, your product will rise up the ranks of the marketplace and eventually get the attention of all the other active Clickbank affiliates.
That's all it takes to succeed on the Clickbank marketplace.


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