I don't think there is an average income that is posted anywhere on the Wealthy Affiliate website.
But, if I had to guess, I'm pretty certain that most people who invest in Wealthy Affiliate never see any results, because they never take any action.
However, I do know of a few people who have gone through their training, taken action, and made some decent money from affiliate marketing.
And I have another friend who is actually one of their top affiliates each year.
He earns several thousand dollars per month for referring other people to the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
But if you're considering investing in Wealthy Affiliate, here are my two cents, based on my own experience from actually having invested in their subscription.
Wealthy Affiliate seems to be a pretty solid resource to learn the BASICS of SEO (search engine optimization) and affiliate marketing.
However, only the basics.
So, if you do decide to invest in it, I would take the whole first month devouring all the affiliate training they have for how to setup sites, keyword research, etc.
And then I would cancel my subscription and take action on what you just learned.
In my opinion, it's not going to be a good community for you to hang out in once you have surpassed the basics of affiliate marketing and SEO.
There's almost zero benefit for sticking around and contributing value to their community, because they're just a bunch of noobs.
Again, Wealthy Affiliate is great for learning the absolute basics of affiliate marketing, but once you've gone through their training I would get out.
You're pretty much never going to graduate to that next level in your business if you stay in that community, because that's just not where advanced marketers hang out online.
Now, if you are looking for a solid training course that can take you from complete beginner and fast track you to more of an advanced marketer in a pretty short amount of time I would recommend checking out my course SEO Affiliate Domination.
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