When I think of the phrase "search engine marketing" I usually tend to think of the PPC (pay-per-click) side of SEO, which are the ads you see right above, below and on the sides of the organic search results. Anything in the organic search results I consider SEO (search engine optimization) because you're optimizing that content to rank highly. Where, on the other hand, with PPC, as long as you bid the most you'll show up #1. But, instead of just sharing what I consider to be the top search engine marketing courses, I'm going to share suggestions for courses on both search engine marketing and search engine optimization. Now, when it comes to what I consider a great course, you have to really evaluate what your goals are for taking the course. I will assume that most people reading this article work for themselves and are interested in this information so they can make more money, not so they can do enterprise SEO for a large company. Which is why I...